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Elle & Vire

Elle & Vire is a leading brand of cream and butter from Normandy and has become an everyday culinary partner for consumers and professionals. First cream brand in France, Elle & Vire is in the Top 10 of the most popular food brands in stores

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 products

Elle & Vire Soft Cream Cheese - 1 kg
Elle & Vire Marscapone - 1 Liter
Elle & Vire Unsalted Butter 82% Fat, Gold - 200g
Elle & Vire UHT Cream Whipping 35.1% Fat - 1 Liter
Elle & Vire Spray Cream, Natural Sweet - 250g
Elle & Vire Butter Croissant Concentrated 84% - 1 kg
Elle & Vire UHT Cream Speciale Cooking 35.1% Fat - 1 Liter
Elle & Vire Cream Cheese - 1.36 kg
Elle & Vire Butter Block 82% - 2.5 kg
Elle & Vire Gastronomique Gourmet Roll, Unsalted Butter - 250g
Elle & Vire Gastronomique Gourmet Roll, Salted Butter - 250g
Elle & Vire Butter Unsalted Roll - 500g
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